ahmadajah03 Wed Sep 2020 3 years ago

Was alert transmission of Corona from the family cluster, this is IDI explanation

KOMPAS.TV - The addition of positive COVID -19 cases in Indonesia is still very high. In fact, the spread of viruses now threatens the smallest scope of social life, the family cluster.

The spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia, is now starting to threaten the smallest scope in the community.

Yes, in the last few weeks, the increase in COVID-19 positive cases in Indonesia, actually emerged from the family cluster.

This cluster arises because of the return of community routines outside the home.

Although most face -to -face schools have not been held, but some people have returned to their activities. Unfortunately, some offices do not apply strict health protocols so that parents who are active outside the home, most likely carrying a virus, to the house.

The application of the health protocol while outside the home, is often not done when he gets home.

In a number of regions in Indonesia, many positive Covid-19 cases have sprung up from the family cluster.

The family cluster becomes very dangerous, because the transmission can be very massive. Especially if without symptoms.

In the social scope of the community, the transmission from one family to another can be very fast.

This condition will get worse if residents who are symptomatic or suspect, are reluctant to do a swab test for fear of stigma and is ostracized by the community.

Various activities such as family friendship, social gathering, community meetings, celebrations of big days or even let children play together in a residential environment, are the causes of many family clusters.

Many people consider lightly, friendship among the families because it considers meetings with close families safe.

In fact, there is no guarantee that everyone will not contract Covid-19, even from the closest family.

Check out the full dialogue with a spokesman for the Covid-19 handling team from the Indonesian Doctors Association, Dr. Erlina Burhan.
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