Wed Dec 2019 2 years ago

Viral Video of Rizieq Shihab Returning Home Ahead of 212 Reunion, Yusuf Martak: That's an Old Video

A peaceful demonstration will be held by the 212 alumni brotherhood on Monday (2/12/2019) in the Monas area, Central Jakarta. One of the highlights of this action was the issue of the return of the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front, Rizieq Shihab. On the other hand, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin advised that tomorrow's action could be carried out in a conducive manner.
So far no traffic engineering has been prepared by the police. It is planned that the PA 212 Grand Reunion event will start at dawn carrying out the Tahajjud prayer and continue with congregational morning prayers.
What exactly is the agenda for the 212 Grand Reunion in the Monas area tomorrow? Has joined the Chair of the Steering Committee of the 212 Reunion Committee, Yusuf Martak. PP Muhammadiyah General Secretary Abdul Mu'ti. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus.
#Reunion212 #RizieqShihab #Monas
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