ahmadajah03 Fri Mar 2020 2 years ago

Viral Cemetery in Depok Turned into Dangdutan Location, Grave Guard: Has Been Reprimanded

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Video of the entertainment stage being held above the cemetery in Pancoranmas, Depok, West Java has gone viral on social media.

In the video uploaded by the Instagram account @depok24jam, the video of dangdutan in the cemetery was recorded on Sunday (8/3/2020).

Quoted from Kompas.com, the sender of the video felt disturbed, because his parents were buried in that cemetery.

When confirmed on Thursday (12/3/2020), Fuad, the cemetery guard, did not deny the news.

However, he clarified that the dangdut performance was not in the middle of the cemetery area, but on the edge.

Fuad also explained that the event was held once a week to two weeks, but at the edge of the burial site.

The food attendant said that the entertainment event every time ended until early in the morning.

He claimed that local residents, including the RT head and himself, had reprimanded these people several times.

However, the warning was ignored. They still hold an entertainment stage at the edge of the grave.
(Tribun-video.com/ Rena Laila)

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title "Viral Graves in Depok Become Dangdutan Locations, Grave Officials: Until Early Morning", https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2020/03/12/12562971/viral-kuburan -in-depok-so-location-dangdutan-cemetery-officer-until-dini#utm_source=insider&utm_medium=web_push&utm_campaign=viral_kuburan_depok&webPushId=NDM4ODA=.
Tribunnews tribun video tribun VIRAL KUBURAN DANGDUTAN DI KUBURAN