ahmadajah03 Mon Oct 2021 1 year ago

Unity Indonesia Tutorial | Unity Data Types

In this video we learn about data types that are often used in Unity. The data type itself is a value that can be expressed in constants (values ​​that cannot be changed) or variables (values ​​that can be changed) and operators can be applied to them.
There are several data types that are often used in Unity such as:

integer to represent whole numbers
float to represent fractional numbers
string to represent a word or sentence
character to declare a character
boolean to state true/true or false/false
Vector2 to represent 2dimensional coordinates (x and y)
Vector3 to express 3dimensional coordinates (x, y and z)

-Unity basics
-Unity data type
-Unity input keyboard
-Unity tilemap
-splash screen unity

Unity learning coding link

"I am more afraid of the person who practices 1 kick 1000 times, than the person who practices 1000 kicks 1 time."
- Bruce Lee

Laptop used: Lenovo U41
i5 5200u processor
Intel HD 5500 | NVIDIA Gforce 940m

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