ahmadajah03 Sun Jan 2021 2 years ago

Review of BNPB Head Doni Monardo and Social Minister Risma to the earthquake location in Mamuju

MAMUJU, KOMPAS.TV - Friday (1/15/2021) at around 22:00 WITA, BNPB Head Doni Monardo came to a house that collapsed due to an earthquake on Jalan KS Tubun, Mamuju, West Sulawesi.

The Head of BNPB wants to ascertain whether there are victims or not in the ruins of the house.

The latest information from BNPB, 42 people died from the earthquake that shook Majene and several other regions in West Sulawesi.

On the same occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini directly observed the refugee location in Mamuju.

During her visit, Risma wanted to ensure the needs of the refugees and their situation in refugee camps.

In addition, the Hercules aircraft loaded with assistance from the victims of the West Sulawesi earthquake arrived at Mamuju Airport on Friday night.

In addition to logistics assistance, the aircraft also transported dozens of TNI and Basarnas personnel.

All TNI and Basarnas personnel were mobilized to help the evacuation process of victims who were still trapped in the ruins of the building.

While the assistance of logistics packages in the form of tents, blankets, clothing, and public kitchen equipment, was immediately distributed for refugees in a number of posts.
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