andriajah Wed May 2022 2 years ago

Constrained by age, dozens of pilgrims from Riau were forced to cancel this year

RIAU, KOMPAS.TV - As many as 40 prospective pilgrims from Riau Province, who are scheduled to leave this year canceled departing, because they did not confirm the payment of the hajj travel costs.

Previously, the Riau Region Ministry had provided an opportunity to confirm repayment to prospective pilgrims on 9 to 20 May 2022.

According to the Head of the Registration and Regular Hajj Document of the Ministry of Religion of the Riau Region, the 40 prospective pilgrims who did not confirm the repayment were caused by several factors, such as the health condition of pilgrims who did not allow to leave.

Also read 508 prospective pilgrims in Malang, follow the guidance of the Hajj rituals at

Pilgrims have died, and the separation of worshipers from their mahram because they exceed the age set by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Prospective pilgrims who failed to depart were replaced by prospective pilgrims.

Meanwhile, as many as 19 prospective pilgrims from Lebak Regency, Banten, failed to depart for the pilgrimage this year because of the age constrained by the government of Saudi Arabia.

The Head of the Lebak Religious Ministry of Religion said, most of the prospective pilgrims who failed to leave were over 65 years old.

Meanwhile, the rest have not paid off the remaining payment of the hajj travel fee.

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batas umur naik haji gagal naik haji jemaah haji lebak pelunasan biaya haji riau