Fri Jan 2020 3 years ago

Evidently Ulung Fraudsters, King and Queen Agung Universal Arrested by Central Java Regional Police

The two suspects Toto Santoso and Fanni Aminadia could only bow down during the case at the Central Java Police Headquarters Wednesday afternoon (01/15/2020). The king and queen of the universal palace that made the community uneasy, must be responsible for their actions in front of officers.

Various attributes such as spears, flags, hats to account books and gas gun types were confiscated by the police as evidence. Both were proven to violate the article fraud article, because in the recruitment of followers, asking for some money and using fake goods to attract attention.

A number of followers have deposited money from two million rupiah, up to thirty million rupiah to occupy certain positions in the kingdom. Followers are also prohibited from using a mobile phone, when following the royal -style procession.


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