Wed Dec 2019 2 years ago

Year of Sadness of Jakarta residents under the leadership of Anies Baswedan

Loyal viewers of Ruhut Buka Bukaan, 2019 is coming to an end. Ruhut Buka-Bukan has opened up about the issues leading up to the presidential election. From Banten to Surabaya. Very patent. And finally, the presidential election ended peacefully, a bit chaotic, but under control. Indonesia is united again.

However, 2019 is not just a stage for the presidential election. The odd policies have been around for a long time, but during 2019 there were lots of policies that were even more odd and strange. Who else if not Anies Baswedan, Governor of Jakarta. Instead of creating a good narrative for Jakarta, Anies instead created an embarrassing story. Why do I say embarrassing? Because many of his campaign promises ultimately did not come true.