ahmadajah03 Mon Sep 2020 3 years ago
Sheikh Ali doubted the perpetrators of the natural attack of a mental disorder
In a video uploaded on Instagram, Sheikh Ali Jaber tells the chronology of the stabbing that befell him. This incident occurred when he lectured at the Falahudin Mosque, Bandar Lampung, Sunday afternoon. Ali is filling the TAHFIZ FALAHUDIN TAHFIZ Event and the Islamic New Year celebration.
In front of the media crew, Sheikh Ali Jaber commented on the process of investigating the case of persecution of him. He doubted the diagnosis, the suspect in the stabbing case of Alpin Andrian, as a person with a mental disorder.
Syech Ali asked the Lampung Regional Police to thoroughly investigate the case of his attack. Syech Ali is not sure if the perpetrator has a mental disorder. Ali Jabber actually assessed the perpetrators as trained people.
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