Highlights DKI Computer Budget IDR 128 Billion, PSI Politician Reported
DKI Jakarta DPRD member Commission E PSI faction Idris Ahmad admitted that he was ready to support if there were PSI cadres in the DKI DPRD who would be reported to the Honorary Board. PSI considers Anthony Winza's move to criticize the computer budget in the 2020 DKI RAPBD to be normal. According to him, PSI cadres only want to fight for people's rights, including transparency of regional budgets.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's budget plan is once again in the spotlight. This time, the budget plan for computer procurement for the Regional Tax and Retribution Agency is more than IDR 128 billion. Like the previous excitement about the Aibon glue budget, it was once again PSI politicians who revealed this budget. Member of Commission C of the Jakarta DPRD from the PSI faction, Anthony Winza, questioned this fantastic budget in a Commission C meeting. However, he did not expect that his fellow member of Commission C from the PDI Perjuangan faction, Cinta Mega, would rebuke his move.
#DKIComputerBudget #RAPBD2020 #AnthonyWinza