ahmadajah03 Tue Apr 2020 2 years ago
A homecoming from Jakarta is positive for Covid-19
The patient is a homecoming who came from Jakarta. Due to this case, the Regent also appealed to his residents who had migrated not to return home during Eid this year.
The first positive Covid-19 patient in Bangkalan Regency was a resident from Blega District. It is known that the patient had just come from Jakarta by driving a private car.
Not long after arriving in his hometown, the person in question suffered from pneumonia and underwent treatment at the hospital.
After undergoing one rapid test and two PCR swabs, he finally tested positive for Covid-19. Now the person concerned is isolated at the Bangkalan Regional General Hospital and his condition is getting better.
The Regent of Bangkalan, Abdul Latif Amin Imron appealed to his citizens who are overseas, especially in the red zone, not to go home during Eid, because there is a risk of carrying the corona virus and transmitting it to family and neighbors in their hometown.
#Don'tGoHome #StayAtHome #CoronaVirus Pemudik Jangan Mudik Stay At Home Virus Corona Covid-19 Bangkalan Berita Daerah