ahmadajah03 Wed Sep 2020 2 years ago
DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary died because of exposure to Corona, Anies gave the last respects!
Saefullah served as Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta, since 2014.
Previously Saefullah also served as Mayor of Central Jakarta in 2010 to 2014.
Saefullah also received a class III loyalty award given by the Governor of DKI Jakarta in 1999.
The news of the death of Saefullah was justified by the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government expressed his condolences for the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary's family.
Ahmad Riza Patria also said that Secretary Saefullah had time to attend the plenary meeting, before being declared positive Corona.
The condolences for the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary, Saefullah, were conveyed by the Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, M. Taufik.
M. Taufik claimed to have lost the figure of Saefullah who he knew as a good person.
Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Muhammad Taufik had a chance to throw criticism from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
Taufik meminta Pemprov DKI Jakarta harus transparan mengungkap siapa saja pegawai maupun pejabat di lingkungan Kantor Pemprov DKI Jakarta yang terpapar Covid-19.
"belum ada pengumuman sampai saat ini, ini bukan suatu hal yang memalukan. Jadi menurut saya, ya pemprov transparanlah. Ya kalau ada diumumin kan, dikasih tahu, yang kontak langsung dengan terpapar bisa memeriksakan diri," kata M. Taufik yang kami kutip di Kompas.com page on September 12, 2020. sekda dki jakarta sekretaris daerah sekda dki jakarta saefullah sekda dki saefullah anies baswedan sekda saefullah corona sekda dki corona sekda dki meninggal dunia pemprov dki jakarta kompas berita kompas berita kompastv kompas news kompastv kompas tv kompastv live streaming kompas tv live streaming live streaming indonesia news youtube news