ahmadajah03 Sun Apr 2020 1 year ago

Mayo Risole | Mayonnaise Risoles

Assalamu'alaikum Friends of Uli's Kitchen🤗
Are there any of Uli's Kitchen friends who like Risol Mayo like me???
So, this time I will share a recipe for making Mayo Risol😁

240 Grams of Wheat Flour
1 Tsp Salt
600 Ml Water
2 eggs
2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil

400 Grams Mayonnaise
50 grams of SKM (sweetened condensed milk) optional, if you don't like it, don't use it
3 boiled eggs cut into pieces
3 pieces of beef sausage cut into pieces

5 Tbsp Wheat Flour
Enough water
Enough Bread Flour

1 Leather Recipe Yields 20 Sheets, Depending on the Width of the Teflon.
I use a diameter of 20 cm.
If you use smaller ones, the results will be bigger.

You can fry the rissol straight away, but it would be better to store it in the freezer for 1 hour.

Happy Cooking👩‍🍳

#how to makerisol
#how to makerisoles
risol risoles risol mayo risoles mayonaise risol mayonaise resep risol mayo resep risol mayonaise cara membuat risoles cara membuat risol