ahmadajah03 Sun Apr 2020 2 years ago

Vegetable Filled Pastel Recipe

Buy silicon mats at:
Shopee: http://bit.ly/2Vs1ck0

Pastel recipe filled with vegetables

Pastel leather material:
250 gr wheat flour (blue triangle)
90-100 ml warm water
50 gr margarine (melted)
1/4 tsp salt

Pastel filling:
Rice noodles
Boiled eggs
2 red onions
1 clove of garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp powdered chicken stock
1/2 tsp granulated sugar
1/4 tsp ground pepper

#vegetable paste
Pastel Gorengan pastel Cemilan pastel Pastel sayur Pastel daging Pastel isi daging Pastel isi sayur Cemilan Gorengan Karoket Bihun Wortel Buncis