ahmadajah03 Sun Apr 2020 3 years ago
Egg martabak skin recipe and super easy stuffing
If previously Omahelok _kitchen had shared the egg martabak recipe , now it will share the more economical egg martabak recipe, because it makes the martabak skin not use the egg mixture but it is still really elastic ..
Here is a martabak skin recipe:
* 100 grams of flour (no need for the one who has a brand I use a retail flour in the stall)
* Salt to taste
* 50-60 ml of water
* 15 ml / 1sdm of vegetable oil
* 3-4 eggs
* Onion to taste
* Corned (may be replaced with minced meat , meatballs , sausages or others)
* 2 chopped garlic cloves
* Salt & flavoring to taste
Watch the video until it's finished, continue to recook dech at home.
Don't forget to share to your social media so that your friends can also try this egg martabak recipe ...
#Martabak #MartABAKTELUR #KulitMartabak martabak telur resep martabak telur martabak telur teflon martabak telur teflon anti gagal kulit martabak telur teflon cara membuat martabak telur martabak telur homemade cara membuat martabak telur homemade membuat kulit martabak telur lentur cara membuat kulit martabak telur cara membuat martabak telur mini martabak telur mini martabak telur mini kulit lumpia