Mon Aug 2021 2 years ago

React Native Video Call App Free | Webrtc | From Scratch

React native video call app

Source code available in patreon:

This video show to create a React native video call app using webrtc and firestore from scratch. This video includes complete step by step process to create this app.

0:00 Demo

0:18 Creating Project
0:43 Setup for react native webrtc
1:46 Firebase setup
3:02 Creating simple components.
11:31 Webrtc Video call code

1. Creating the project:
Project uses expo bare workflow, The firebase native modules are only supported in expo bare workflow.

Build commands: (All the dependencies)
expo init videoCall
cd videoCall
npm add @react-native-firebase/app @react-native-firebase/firestore @react-navigation/native @types/react-native-vector-icons react-native-webrtc react-native-vector-icons

2. Setup for react native webrtc library:
We will be using react native webrtc for creating the video call app.
IOS: Please complete steps given in the repo. You will be able to follow along.

3. Firebase setup:
If you already don’t have a Firebase project, Please create as show. Otherwise you can use the existing project for this step. Copy the google-services.json file downloaded from firebase to Project-location/android/apps folder.

If the firestore database is not created, create it in test mode ( If you created in production mode, check the rules tab in firestore database)

Code for Firebase setup:
apply plugin: ''
As show in the video, Use the version that will be provided during the app creation.

• IOS setup:
Complete this steps, you will be able to follow along.

3.Creating simple components:
This step builds all the components required by the app.

• Buttons: Simple circle button component. Used to show call pick up and hang up.
• Video: Used to display local stream and remote stream. (camera views)
• Getting call: Used to display a caller image with option to pick up or hang up.
*All the dependency for this step is installed above.

4. Webrtc Video call code:
We will write the code for making call using webrtc in this step.
- We will exchange the ICE candidate from caller to callee through fireabse. ( we can use any real time update method for this step)
- There is no server involved for making this call. Caller and callee will directly communicate with each other
The flow: (Simple)
- We create an offer on click of call button.
- We send it to firestore. other party is registered for an event for offer.
- Once the app receives offer, it will display getting call component( I have used static image here ) with option to answer or decline. If you answer the call. We will create the answer object for the call and send it to caller through firestore.
- Once caller receives the answer, we will start the call.

Things used:
Visual studio, React native, expo, Firebase, react navigation.

The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


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