Rangga Sunda Empire: This World Must Be Reorganized!
He also emphasized that the main point of the Sunda Empire is that the world must be reorganized.
"The point principle is that the world must be put back in order! Who wants to be put in order? Who cares if a nuclear bomb will be detonated?!" said Rangga after the verdict hearing was held (27/10/2020).
Rangga also explained the principle of the Sunda Empire that everyone is obliged to save the earth. According to him, if someone has different opinions, the pros and cons are normal.
Rangga Sasana stated that the Sunda Empire was able to overcome problems on earth, including the nuclear problem, with all its tools.
"That we defend the nation, defend the country, defend the earth and its contents!" said Rangga.
The Bandung District Court Panel of Judges sentenced three high-ranking Sunda Empire officials, namely Nasri Banks, Raden Ratna Ningrum and Raden Rangga Sasana, to two years in prison.
The three high-ranking officials of the Sunda Empire were found guilty in accordance with Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning spreading false news and broadcasting uncertain news.
"The defendant deliberately caused conflict in Sundanese society, and will cause conflict between people who are for and against," said chairman of the panel of judges T Benny Eko Supriyadi, at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, Tuesday (27/10/2020). sunda empire rangga sasana vonis sunda empire pn bandung vonis 2 tahun penjara kompas berita kompas berita kompastv kompas news kompastv kompas tv kompastv live streaming kompas tv live streaming live streaming indonesia news youtube news