andriajah Sat May 2020 2 years ago

Secret Thai Tea Mall Recipe - There are 3 Secret Ingredients!!! Easy & Cheap Home Style - Milk Tea Recipe

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello, Welcome to the PUGUH KRISTANTO KITCHEN Youtube Channel. Here I will share recipes that are definitely delicious, easy to make and definitely fail-proof, Rekkk. The recipe here is really suitable for beginners like us, Rekkk,...
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In this 81st episode, I want to share another drink recipe, this time I'm sharing a Dum-D*m style Thai Tea recipe, because I've always been really curious about this drink, how come it's so delicious, but why are the ingredients so expensive??? I experimented with ingredients I had at home and the results were very satisfying, basically I'm happy that the taste of Rekkk is really similar & in my opinion it's even tastier. You must try Rekkk, it's easy & cheap, Good luck trying it. Hope it works. Love you Rekkk…..

THAI TEA ingredients:
10 Tea Bags (Free brand)
40 Tbsp Water
2 Boxes/400 Ml Liquid Milk (Free Brand)
2 Sweet Condensed Sachets
2 Tbsp Granulated Sugar
Sufficient ice cubes

If you've tried the recipe, don't forget to tag me on Instagram and use #PuguhKristantoKitchen
Thank You :):)
Happy Cooking
Instagram : @kristanto_pd
CookPad : Puguh Kristanto Kitchen

How to watch the video until the end, Rekkk...

KISSS-KISS From me Rekkk, LOVE U

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
mojokerto puguhkristantokitchen resepthaitea dumdumthaitea thaitea thaitearecipes caramembuatsumdum caramembuatthaiteadumdum thaiteadumdummudah caramembuatthaitea thaiteamudah