andriajah Mon Jun 2023 1 year ago
Q&A [Full] - Rommy & Vicky Politization
Rommy tarnished his own name because he was caught by the KPK's arrest operation (OTT) exactly 30 days before the election.
Although he claimed to have never left a politician, he now serves as chairman of the Party Advisory Council.
The latest news, despite stumbling on a corruption case, he was predicted to be an anti -corruption ambassador by his party.
While Vicky Prasetyo, after previously failing to nyaleg, now tried his luck again by re -registering as a legislative candidate.
With a unique sweet promise, Vicky is selling a simple vision and mission of love and affection without betrayal for his people.
How funny this country is. Politicians can appear again as if yesterday's sin was erased and seemed to be sacred again.
The funny thing is that the full art worker is full of disputes to appear as a politician who is actually minimal ideas.
Both are considered empty because the political parties raised by Rommy are considered an empty carriage party, while Vicky is empty of the vision and mission.
So should both of them be accepted and normalized? Watch the full in the Q&A Program Rommy and Vicky politicization
Together with panelists:
- SUDJIWO TEJO (culturalwan)
- Virgie Baker (senior journalist)
- Abdur Arsyad (Komika)
- Ray Rangkuti (Political Observer)
#politik #vickyprasetyo #romahurmuziy #korupsi #ppp #metrotv #topreviewmetrotv #qnametrotv
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