ahmadajah03 Thu Jan 2021 2 years ago
Pdip politician Ribka Tjiptaning firmly refuses to be vaccinated, 'I'd better pay IDR 5 million'
Jokowi's vaccine injection was broadcast live, the seconds when Jokowi was injected with the vaccine were also broadcast.
President Jokowi has been preparing before being injected with the Covid-19 vaccine, since 09.30 WIB.
Starting with various preparations, the first injection of the Covid-19 vaccine finally took place.
On the other hand, Member of Commission IX DPR RI from the PDI-P Fraction (PDIP) Ribka Tjiptaning gave a firm statement regarding the Covid-19 vaccination program in Indonesia.
Rebekah has loudly refused to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to prevent the spread of the deadly virus from Wuhan, China.
This confirmation was conveyed directly at the DPR Commission IX working meeting with the Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Tuesday (12/1/2021).
According to Rebekah, no one can confirm the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine from the Chinese company, Sinovac.
Rebekah is willing to pay if there are sanctions for parties who refuse to be vaccinated.
"For example, I live in DKI, all my children and grandchildren receive a sanction of IDR 5 million, it's better for me to pay it, I'll sell my car," said Rebekah in the DPR Commission IX Meeting Room, Senayan, Jakarta.
Rebekah then compared the Covid-19 vaccine with vaccines for other diseases that previously existed in Indonesia.
He urged the government not to play around with the vaccine issue.
Rebekah highlighted the differences in vaccine prices from the cheapest to the most expensive, as well as the various costs of rapid or PCR tests.
According to Rebekah, vaccinations for lower class people will be provided at the cheapest prices. She reminded the government not to do vaccine business with the public. (Tribunmanado.com)
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