ahmadajah03 Sun Mar 2020 2 years ago
Government Says Corona-Potitive Medical Officer Died, Previously Treating Covid-19 Patients
Not only that, he also said that some medical personnel who tested positive for Corona had died.
However, he was reluctant to reveal in detail the chronology of the case of the medical personnel who died.
Quoted from Kompas.com, met at Graha BNPB Jakarta, Saturday (14/3/2020), Achmad Yurianto, government spokesperson for handling Corona, confirmed that there were medical officers who later tested positive for Corona after treating Covid-19 patients.
However, Yurianto was reluctant to reveal the number of medical personnel who had tested positive for Corona.
Even when asked, he also confirmed that there were medical personnel who had died due to the Corona Virus.
However, Yurianto also did not provide an explanation as to which medical personnel who died were among the number of Corona patient cases.
Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta had mentioned that there were medical personnel in Jakarta who had been confirmed as having the Corona Virus or Covid-19.
However, Anies did not reveal the number of medical personnel who he said had confirmed cases of the Corona virus.
As of Saturday afternoon, the government announced a total of 96 positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia.
Eight patients have been declared cured, while five patients have died.
Corona positive patients are spread across eight regions, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Bali, West Kalimantan, North Sulawesi and Banten.
This article was published on Kompas.com with the title "Yurianto: There is a Corona Positive Medical Officer Who Died",
https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2020/03/14/18404141/yurianto-ada-pejaga-medis-positive-corona-yang-meninggal-dunia Tribunnews tribun video tribun Petugas Medis Positif Corona Positif Corona