ahmadajah03 Fri Oct 2020 2 years ago
Mui and Muhammadiyah Accept Job Creation Law 1,187 Pages
The text sent by the DPR was 812 pages long, while the one distributed by the Presidential Palace to a number of parties was 1,187 pages long.
The 812-page text of the Job Creation Law which was submitted by the DPR to the president through the State Secretariat is apparently still not final.
Minister of State Secretary Pratikno distributed the Presidential Palace version of the manuscript to a number of parties, including the Indonesian Ulema Council or MUI and the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership.
PP Muhammadiyah Secretary Abdul Mu'ti admitted that he received a text of the Job Creation Law from the government that was 1,187 pages thick.
All legal loopholes to cancel the Job Creation Law are being pursued by parties, not only workers and students, but also Islamic mass organizations.
When workers and students go through demonstrations and take material trials to the Constitutional Court, Islamic mass organizations lobby the president.
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