andriajah Fri Aug 2020 2 years ago

The Mystery of the Origin of the Dajjal and His Family, Message of the Prophet Muhammad || Islamic Stories Part 29

Bismillahirrahman nirohim, assalamualaikum everyone...
The history of the origins of the Dajjal from birth until now, the Dajjal is a very large creature, so tall that some even say that this creature reaches the sky. He has one eye and on his forehead there is pagan writing in Arabic and will appear on the Day of Judgment. It is said that the Dajjal was born into a family that worshiped the Cow Statue in the era after Sam bin Nuh. He was born in the area around Palestine near the area of ​​Sodom and Gomorrah (the people of Luth's people). He was given the name Dajjal which means liar, where in the end times he will spread slander and lies, claim to be a prophet, claim to be a god with his magic and deceit. So what is the complete story like? Watch this video until the end
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Dajjal's father and mother were idol worshipers, both were born as a result of adultery between mahram/ consanguineous people. The posture of Dajjal's father is tall, fat, and has a nose like a bird's beak, while his mother is fat, has long arms and has large breasts. They are descendants of Yahudjah who have been married for 30 years but have not been blessed with a child.
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The story of the origin of the Dajjal and his family, this is the message of Rasulullah SAW

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