andriajah Sat Oct 2021 2 years ago
Make Your First Complete Game In Unity | Beginners
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Timestamp Shortcuts:
00:00 Intro
02:55 Starting in Unity
03:00 Organizing Folders in Project
03:30 Creating the First Game Object - the ball
04:45 Changing perspective to orthographic camera
07:00 Creating your First Script - ball physics movement
07:35 Defining your First Variable
08:45 Accessing a Rigidbody from a script
09:15 Setting the ball's initial velocity
10:00 Bounce the ball in OnCollisionEnter()
10:15 Reflecting a Vector3 to bounce the ball properly
11:30 Importance of the FixedUpdate() function
11:55 Forcing velocity of the ball to a constant speed
12:40 Keeping ball velocity consistent after impact
13:15 Adding walls and ceiling to play arena
13:40 Using control key to snap movement in Unity
15:05 Freezing the axis of the ball to horizontal/vertical movement only
16:25 Controlling the paddle with mouse
16:45 Freezing paddle movement to left / right only
17:45 Correct way to force repositioning of a Rigidbody to from a script
18:10 Translating mouse movement (screenspace) to world space with ScreenToWorldPoint
20:05 Hiding the Mouse Cursor
21:05 Switching the Rigidbody to a Kinematic Object (make it "rock solid" =)
21:45 Creating the Bricks / Blocks
22:50 Creating a PREFAB (Very important - don't know what a prefab is? Check this out)
23:50 Spacing between the bricks / blocks
24:00 Stressing the importance of PREFABs again - demonstrating the use of them
25:10 Exposing a variable in a script as a public variable so it can be changed in the Unity "inspector"
26:00 Are you a fan of big score or small scores??
26:25 Using OnCollisionEnter to reduce the hit counter
27:00 Destroying the brick / block on ball impact
28:00 Creating your first material - coloring the bricks blue
28:30 Adding more bricks to the level, duplicating and positioning bricks
30:20 Adding rotational animation to bricks
32:05 Offsetting the rotation for twisting type of effect of the blocks
33:10 Changing bricks to a metallic reflective look
33:40 Adding a white flash Amiga style "hit flash effect" like the good old side scrolling games
37:00 Using "Invoke" to delay a call to a function - in this case to restore the material after flash
38:10 Moving the bricks into a Level Prefab
38:50 Creating the GAMEMANAGER script - this is controlling the game states and user interfaces!
40:00 Changing the ball and the paddle to prefabs so they can be "Instantiated"
40:45 Creating your first User Interfaces / Menu Screen
41:25 Creating the Main Menu UI panel
41:35 Adding the Play button to the Main Menu
41:55 Scaling the menu to maintain the same size compare to the screen size
42:30 Creating the Play UI panel with score, ball, and level counter
43:00 How to position UI elements - the RectTransform, anchoring point, alignment, and position
45:25 My 5 year old daughter explains what a Breakout Clone is
46:45 Using control . (period) to easily implement "using" statements
47:05 Exposing access to Score Text - Ball Text - and Level Text
47:30 Exposing access to UI panels, Menu - Play - Level Completed - Game Over
48:00 Creating the Level Completed UI Panel
48:50 Creating the Game Over UI Panel
49:20 Hiding unwanted UI Panels
49:30 Creating a State Machine with states Menu, Init, Play, LevelCompleted, LoadLevel, GameOver
49:50 Making it possible to switch states using a SwitchState method
50:45 Ending the CURRENT State and beginning a NEW State
51:45 Ctrl Period to implement all missing cases
52:50 Showing and hiding panels on Begin / End States
54:55 Making the Play button work
57:00 Using Properties to update UI Score / Ball / Level texts
59:15 Adding points to score
1:01:00 Initializing variables
1:02:00 Adding more levels
1:05:40 Instantiating new ball
1:08:00 Game Over when no more levels
1:08:30 Loading New Level
1:09:25 Delaying a State Transition
1:12:40 Switch paddle (for ball direction control) and brick to 3D objects (Blender)
1:22:25 Detecting when ball / life is lost with IsVisible
1:27:00 Editing Levels - Overwriting Prefabs
1:27:30 Ending Level when no blocks remain
1:32:50 Waiting for AnyKey press
1:35:00 Persistent Highscore
1:39:50 Reset Level on Game Over
1:42:00 Scrolling Star Field Background
1:47:00 Unpacking and Overwriting Prefabs
1:52:15 Outro / Ending
1:52:40 On the topic of climate change unity3d tutorial make a game make a complete game breakout arkanoid making a game in unity how to make a game in unity learn unity state machine game states ui panels highscore prefabs fixedupdate persistent highscore UI buttons invoke delay function OnCollisionEnter score counter loading a level gamemanager game manager mouse movement ScreenToWorldPoint what is a prefab amiga style hit effect white flash updating score complete game in unity unity3d