ahmadajah03 Tue Oct 2020 1 year ago

Laravel Livewire Tutorial: Adding Modal, Event Listeners, & Delete (part 3)

In this laravel livewire tutorial, we will go through the topic of adding modal, working with event listeners, and delete. You will see the reason why I am mainly focusing on modals in this part of the laravel livewire series. I think this is an essential and practical thing to know when it comes to using modal forms, especially when working with laravel livewire. Watch the video, and you'll see the reason why. This laravel livewire tutorial series, will help you implement a laravel livewire crud functionality.

Spoiler alert: There as in issue with laravel livewire when you use the bootstrap modal form in your web application.

Note: In this video, we are using Laravel 7.

1:10 - Basic Event Listener Implementation (Backend to Backend Class Components)
4:40 - Adding Modal (a front-end issue will occur)
6:22 - Fixing Issue with Dispatch Browser Event
8:50 - Adding Delete Functionality

Previous Video: Create, Read, & Pagination

Next Video: Delete and Update Modal - More Event Listeners

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Sound: www.bensound.com

#laravelLivewire #laravel7 #livewire
laravel livewire tutorial livewire tutorial adding modal livewire laravel livewire laravel livewire basics laravel tutorial for beginners laravel livewire for beginners modal livewire event listeners livewire