ahmadajah03 Sat Apr 2020 2 years ago

Gambling, drugs, going to prison, repentance, and become a big businessman | Christopher Sebastian

Christopher Sebastian, born in Surabaya on January 11

His childhood life to heavy and hard adulthood, did not make him discouraged. Instead makes it stronger and tougher in living daily life.

Christoper started his business by deciding to leave the comfort zone, resign from the company even though at that time the position he had occupied was high and with a large income as well.

He used savings from his income to build his business. With the remaining money, he rented a small shop for offices in the Modernland Tangerang and started a business with very minimal capital.

Christoper started his business from two employees, growing up until now has hundreds of employees. Starting from customers who can be calculated with jar, to customers who are now spread throughout Indonesia.

At present Makko Group is one of the largest automotive accessories companies in Indonesia, in charge of 7 window film brands for cars & buildings, namely Masterpiece, First Klass, Johnson, O2, Blacklist, Signature & 3M. As well as the owner of the car carpet brand with the first class brand, and also as the owner of the car maintenance workshop partnership more precisely Auto Detailing Coating with the Topcoat brand and XTO Car Care, so the total is currently in charge of 10 brands of automotive products.

In addition to the automotive sector, Christopher also entered the F&B industry by opening several restaurants with a cooking goose duck brand in the quality, Noodles & You, Pandalicious, Boba Pan & Beverages with Gluk Gluk Ahhh brand, which has a total of about 50 outlets scattered in Indonesia.

As well as opening a business in the field of tourism, Spa & Healthy Massage services with a Ningrat family massage brand, which is run online with a home service treatment, reaching all regions in Jakarta Depok Tangerang and Bekasi.

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