ahmadajah03 Tue Nov 2020 2 years ago

Indonesia Condemns French President's Statement, Observer: Religion is Politicized by Macron

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Indonesia, as one of the countries with a Muslim majority in the world, has joined in strong protest against the statements and attitudes of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, which are considered to have hurt Muslims throughout the world.

Throughout the day, masses from a number of Islamic organizations demonstrated in front of the French Embassy in Jakarta.

The demonstrators condemned the statement by French President Emanuel Macron who defended Charlie Ebdo magazine, publisher of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, under the pretext of freedom of expression.

President Joko Widodo has even conveyed Indonesia's official position which strongly condemns the statement by the French President, Emmanuel Macron.

According to Jokowi, Macron's statement insulted Islam and hurt Muslims throughout the world.

The Indonesian Ulema Council, MUI, also asked President Macron to retract his statement and apologize to Muslims.

French President Emmanuel Macron also spoke out regarding his attitude which sparked tensions between the French government and the majority of Muslim countries in the world.

Muslims around the world were angry because of Macron's controversial statement linking Muslims to separatist movements after an incident that killed a teacher in northern France for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad while teaching in class on October 16.

We discussed it with Masduki Baidlowi, Spokesperson for the Vice President and International Relations Observer at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Teuku Rezasyah, and Hasibullah Sastrawi, Observer of Middle Eastern Politics and the Islamic World.
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