Fri Jan 2020 3 years ago

Geger the Great Palace of the Universal and Sundanese Empire, Ma'ruf Amin: Must be prohibited, if ...

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Police have examined officials and members of Sunda Empire.

In the examination, both of them were still adamant and believed in the Sunda Empire kingdom system.

In examination the police tried to explore whether there were violations of criminal acts in Sundanese Empire activities.

According to Kombes Saptono Erlangga, Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations, "Investigators will conduct a case title and conclude whether there are deviations or not."

As of Monday, January 20, 2020, the police have examined eight witnesses, related to the Sunda Empire case.

Including one high -ranking person and one of the Sundanese Empire members.

Vice President of Indonesia, Maruf Amin said the government would not allow the existence of a fictitious kingdom.

"As long as the cultural community does not violate, deviate, and harm others and there is no criminal of the community. But if it is distorted, of course it must be prohibited," explained the Vice President

Legal actions will be taken if a violation of the existence of a fictitious kingdom is found.

Especially if the existence of the king and fictitious palace causes losses in the community.
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