ahmadajah03 Sat Mar 2020 3 years ago

Because of Corona - Fadli Zon: Corona has been predicted to be a pandemic (part 3) | Najwa's eyes

Deputy Chairman of Gerindra Fadli Zon criticized the government regarding the form of communication taken by the government in handling the Corona virus. The government wasted too much time just to emphasize that Indonesia was not attacked by Covid-19. The Minister of Health's public communication is very bad, "said Fadli Zon.

Whereas YLKI Chairperson Tulus Abadi highlighted the lack of government efforts to implement preventive procedures in public places, especially at stations and airports.

In addition, according to Tulus Abadi, the government lacks literacy to the community. "Literacy is important so that people can respond intelligently, there is no panic buying and so on. In the midst of this critical situation, how come even talking about tourism targets, "sincere criticism.


#Garagaracorona #viruscorona #matanajwa #narasi

Also watch the Mata Najwa Eps. [Because of Corona] and other episodes at https://www.narasi.tv or click the link below.
Part 1: http://bit.ly/338xhdo
Part 2: http://bit.ly/2w0vwnt
Part 3: http://bit.ly/2u0qt4l
Part 4: http://bit.ly/338783W
Part 5: http://bit.ly/2uawzud
Part 6: http://bit.ly/39K0D9T
Part 7: http://bit.ly/3cqart6

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