ahmadajah03 Mon Nov 2020 3 years ago

Ganjar announced the increase in the minimum wage in Central Java

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.TV - Central Java Provincial Government finally announced the district/city minimum wage or UMK in Central Java.

Regency/City UMK in the Central Java region has increased varying.

Central Java Governor, Ganjar Pranowo said in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Work Cipta, Employers must implement this provision on January 1, 2021.

It was explained that there was an increase in varying regency/city UMK in Central Java starting from 0.75 percent to 3.68 percent.

Ganjar explained this was in accordance with the results of the discussion that was carried out with the Regency/City Wage Council.

As well as the recommendations of the regents and mayors of each of these regions.

He added, the provisions on the increase in UMK applies to those who have worked for one year.

The following is a list of UMK according to the Decree of the Governor of Central Java Number 561/62 of 202:

Semarang City Rp 2,810,025
Demak Regency Rp. 2,511. 526
Kendal Regency IDR 2,335,735
Semarang Regency Rp. 2,302,797.59
Salatiga City Rp. 2,101. 457.14
Grobogan Regency IDR 1,890,000
Blora Regency IDR 1,894,000
Kudus Regency Rp 2,290,995.33
Jepara Regency IDR 2,107,000
Pati Regency Rp 1,953,000
Rembang Regency IDR 1,861,000
Boyolali Regency IDR 2,000,000
Surakarta City IDR 2,013,810
Sukoharjo Regency Rp 1,986,450
Sragen Regency IDR 1,829,500
Karanganyar Regency IDR 2,054,040
Wonogiri Regency IDR 1,827,000
Klaten Regency Rp 2,011,514.91
Magelang City IDR 1,914,000
Magelang Regency IDR 2,075,000
Purworejo Regency IDR 1,905,400
Temanggung Regency IDR 1,885,000
Wonosobo Regency IDR 1,920,000
Kebumen Regency IDR 1,895,000
Banyumas Regency IDR 1,970,000
Cilacap Regency IDR 2,228,904
Banjarnegara Regency Rp 1,805,000
Purbalingga Regency IDR 1,988,000
Batang Regency Rp. 2,129,117
Pekalongan City Rp. 2,139,754
Pekalongan Regency Rp 2,084,155.14
Pemalang Regency Rp 1,926,000
Tegal City IDR 1,982,750
Tegal Regency IDR 1,958,000
Brebes Regency Rp 1,866,722.90
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