andriajah Sun Nov 2020 2 years ago

Reported Positive for Corona, FPI: Habib Rizieq Shihab Is Resting

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - After the uproar over the FPI crowd event in Petamburan some time ago, Habib Rizieq Shihab immediately disappeared from the public and was rumored to have Covid-19.

The news that the FPI leader was infected with Covid-19 was immediately opposed by the Central Leadership Council of the Islamic Defenders Front.

In his press statement circulating in the media, the FPI DPP said that Habib Rizieq is currently in good condition and is resting after returning from the holy land and holding the Prophet's birthday and his daughter's wedding.

This statement was written on November 19.

"That IB HRS is currently choosing to rest, pause for a moment, because apart from being quite tired due to the long journey and immediately carrying out high-density activities and seeing the enthusiasm of the people from November 10 upon arrival until November 14 at the Prophet's birthday in Petamburan, the people are so enthusiastic about every activity attended by IB HRS which has an impact on mass gathering," FPI wrote in its statement.

Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria stated that the DKI Jakarta Health Service is currently carrying out tests and tracking anyone who came into contact with the positive cases found after the event involving Rizieq Shihab.

This is done so that people who have the potential to be infected with Covid-19 can be detected immediately.

Of the 77 people who tested positive, 57 of them were test results in Petamburan and Tebet.

"Of course the health office has procedures, provisions, tracing results, continuing from contact tracing, and treatment, all following the regulatory mechanism. We ensure that the relevant health office understands the rules, and God willing, we will do it well and professionally as before," he said.
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