ahmadajah03 Tue Oct 2020 3 years ago

Seconds of the Democratic Faction Walk Out from the plenary meeting of the work creation bill

Jakarta, Kompas.TV Democratic Party Faction decided to walk out from the plenary meeting related to the ratification of the Omnibus Law Cipta Working Bill in the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (5/10/2020)

This began with the armpits of Deputy Chairman Azis Syamsuddin said that all factions had conveyed their attitudes regarding the work creation bill.

When going to invite from the government to speak, Benny from the Democratic Faction interrupted.

Azis as the chair of the meeting did not provide an opportunity for Benny to speak because according to him every faction had been given the opportunity to convey attitudes.

"Later, Mr. Benny, after me," Azis said.

"Please before continuing to give us a chance," Benny answered.

Then, Azis stressed that if Benny still insisted on interrupting, it would be issued from the plenary meeting.

"Later you can be expelled from the meeting," said Azis.

Had heats up and the Democratic Faction was never given the opportunity, the Democratic Faction declared a walk out of the trial.

"We, the Democratic Party faction, declared a walk out and were not responsible," said a member of the Parliament from the Democratic Party Faction Benny K Harman in a plenary meeting.
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