ahmadajah03 Sat Apr 2020 1 year ago

Luxury Home Design Style Villa Bali Tropical Mr. Taufan

Luxury Home Design Style Villa Bali Tropical Mr. Taufan with a wide back garden and swimming pool.
Architect Services: 3D Review of Villa Bali House Design 1 Floor Mr. Taufan @ jember, East Java
Emporio Architect Bali Team
Land size: length 149 m x width 38.3 m
Building area: 1040 m2
Number of bedrooms: 6+1
Number of Bathrooms: 6+1
Number of Powder Room/Guest Toilet: 1
Number of Maid Room: -
Number of cars that can be accommodated: 10
Fee Design: Rp. 156,000,000
Need an architect? Contact:
Jabodetabek Consultation: +6282146645837
Jabodetabek outside consultation: +6282219788877
Cooperation & Product Offers: +6282297858081
Because of the limited place and the tight schedule of the architect meeting, the client must make an appointment for a meeting before going to our office.
Fast response via wa/sms accompanied by name & location
Fast Response Clock: 09.00-17.00 WIB, Saturday 09.00-15.00 WIB
Emporio Architect Branch:
- Emporio Bali
- Emporio Jakarta
- Emporio Bandung
Website: https://www.emporioararchitect.com
Facebook: Emporio Architect
Youtube Channel: Emporio Architect
Instagram: @emporioararchitect
Tropical Modern Home Design: @emporiorachitectmodern
Tropical Classic Home Design: @emporiorachitectclassic
Tropical Mediterranean House Design: @emporiorachitectMederan
Tropical Bali Villa House Design: @emporiorachitectvilla
Special House Design Package 100 M2: @emporiOhousofficial - https://www.emporioHouse.com
Interior Design Services: @emporio_interior - https://www.emporiointerior.com/
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