Wed Dec 2019 2 years ago

Create a SPA with Vue.JS 2, Vue-Router, Vuex and Laravel 5.6 (E02 - Vue-Router & Vuex setup)

In this series we'll make a simple Single Page Application with the best tools and technologies out there.
Laravel will be used as our Backend API, users authentication with JWT, Vue.JS 2.5, Vuex 3, VueRouter and many other great libraries will help us achieve our goal.

At minute 8:00, I had a bug that I fixed behind the scenes and forgot to add it to the video.

The Fix I made:
- in the `MainApp.vue` file, import the `Header.vue` component and use it using `components: { Header }`
- import the same `Header.vue` component to your routes.js file.

all the rest should work as shown.

sorry for this misleading part.

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