Fri Jan 2020 2 years ago

Different Opinion With Anies Baswedan, Minister Basuki Reluctant To Debate

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan have different opinions regarding Jakarta's flood control. Minister Basuki was also reluctant to debate this opinion debate. Minister Basuki also insinuated that Anies Baswedan could see the results of the Ciliwung river search in more detail.

When asked by media crew about the differences of opinion, Minister Basuki admitted that he was reluctant to debate. According to him, the search results have proven that there is standing water in areas that have not been normalized. Minister Basuki described the river area around Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, which had not yet been normalized, so that puddles of water could be seen flowing down into residential areas.

Minister Basuki also explained that normalization was a long-standing government plan that had been included in the development master plan. Minister Basuki gave an illustration of how normalization on the Ciliwung River is progressing with a sketch he made in front of journalists. This is to explain so that journalists also understand.

#basukihadimuljono #aniesbaswedan
menteri pupr basuki basuki hadimuljono menteri basuki enggan debat anies baswedan banjir jakarta