andriajah Sat May 2020 1 year ago

Applications and Tutorials to Become an Android Gaming YouTuber, Any cellphone model!!

Note: Now the YouTube gaming application is no longer available in Playstore

UPDATE: It turns out that the video doesn't need to be uploaded first... when you enter the upload menu, press the back button then click discard/cancel upload... later the recorded video will automatically be directly in the gallery...

That's it for this video about the mandatory application for Android gaming YouTubers with just a cell phone and being able to record internal audio in the game even if you use earphones/headset and you can use Facecam with the greenscreen feature... the applications I use are Kinemaster and YouTube Gaming...

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aplikasi wajib youtuber aplikasi untuk edit video aplikasi youtuber gaming youtuber pemula tips youtuber pemula record audio internal screen recorder youtuber modal hp edit video greenscreen