ahmadajah03 Thu Apr 2020 2 years ago
Aoi and Hades - Metal Cover motorcycle taxi drivers
In order to enliven the 5th anniversary of T.O.P, Aoi and Hades presented a cover of the soundtrack song "motorcycle taxi driver" Metal Version. Happy birthday to the 5th T.O.P. @anp_media
Arranger: @official_hades_
Vocal 1: Delisa Herlina - @delisaerlina_
Vocal 2: Insan Aoi - @insanaoi
Guitar: Uche - @Sayap.matsnawi
Bass: Fariz @mochfarizfjrfdlh_
Keyboard: Fazar - @nugrahafazar
Drum: Gilang - @gilangakashina_
#covertop #tukangojekpengkolan #cover