Fri Jan 2020 3 years ago

Anies Baswedan was reluctant to comment about Monas Revitalization

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, was reluctant to comment about the logging of hundreds of trees, in the southern side of the area, Monas area, Central Jakarta, for revitalization.

Anies submitted an explanation about the Monas Revitalization Project, to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land Office, Heru Hermawanto.

The southern side of the National Monument or Monas area is now like a large concrete field, due to the revitalization program.

Previously in this area more than 200 trees were embedded.

The actions of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also invited a polemic.

DPRD Chairperson Puan Maharani, who is also the grandson of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno spoke out regarding the Monas revitalization project.

Puan asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government not to change Monas, and returned Monas to the original.

Puan also requested that the existence of Monas be maximized as an Indonesian icon, not only the Jakarta City icon.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of State Secretariat confirmed that the revitalization of Monas had not yet obtained a permit, from the West Merdeka Regional Development Commission.

The existence of the Steering Commission is contained in Presidential Decree Number 25 of 1995 concerning the Development of the Medan Merdeka Region in the Special Region of the Capital City of Jakarta.

The Presidential Decree regulates that every development carried out in the Medan Merdeka region must obtain a Steering Commission permit.
anies baswedan revitalisasi monas dki jakarta gubernur jakarta monsa gundul