Wed Jan 2020 3 years ago

The reason why I speak Indonesian on this channel

Hey guys! In this video I will answer a question that is quite frequently asked on Kommerar, that's why I speak Indonesian on this channel.

For me YouTube is not just a hobby, it's a business too. And even though I really got income from YouTube, because I am an Indonesian audience, my income is much smaller than if the audience is American.

So if the reason I am a YouTuber to make money, I will definitely focus on English channels. But I have several reasons that keep me making videos in Indonesian.

Initially my channel in English.

My subscriber is mostly from Indonesia, and they ask me to make videos in Indonesian.

I tried that, and my channel was growing and I decided to keep making videos in Indonesian.

Now I'm in America. I want to keep making videos in language so I can keep my Indonesian. Nearly 2 years since I moved to America and even though my ability must have been reduced I know it's still much better than if I don't make videos in language.

Through this channel I feel like I can still have a relationship to Indonesia even though it has been in the US.

My father who first had an Indonesian channel that was used for practicing his language. It turns out that Indonesians really like it. If we go out on the way in the mall, we often meet people who know us from YouTube. And even though we are not famous like artists, in my opinion it's cool to be "famous" like that in Indonesia.

Thank you for watching this video! Until the next video! Da!
~ Sarah 💗

My gear:
☬ Camera (iPhone 7):
☬ MacBook Air (latest version):
☬ Joby GPOD Mini Magnetic Tripod:
☬ Final Cut Pro:
(Watch this video !!)

Want to send me something?
Sarah Johnson
PO BOX 2582
Sandpoint, Idaho
United States of America

♬ Music ♬
⍒ Fredji - Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music Provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
⍒ XAD - Birds (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music Provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

My Church:

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Comment Policy: This channel is a family friendly place for positive interactions. Positive criticism is always welcome. You don't have to agree with me but I will not tolerate profanity, libel or degrading comments. I reserve the right to delete any comments and/or block any user.
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