andriajah Fri May 2020 2 years ago

Actor Adi Kurdi, the father of the Cemara family, dies

KOMPAS.TV - The Indonesian film world is in mourning again. Senior actor Adi Kurdi or commonly known as Abah in the television series Keluarga Cemara, has passed away.

At the age of 72, this man from Pekalongan breathed his last breath at the National Brain Center Hospital in East Jakarta on May 8 2020 afternoon.

It is known that actor Adi Kurdi started his career in 1980.

He stole the attention of Indonesian filmmakers because of his good roles in various theater performances.

His name became increasingly popular when Adi Kurdi played the role of Abah in the series Keluarga Cemara which aired in the mid-1990s.

Meanwhile, one of Indonesia's veteran musicians, Didi Kempot, The Godfather of Broken Heart, died on May 5 2020.

Didi Kempot is thought to have died of a heart attack.

This campursari singer died at the age of 53 and was buried in Mejasem, Ngawi, East Java, right next to the grave of his first child, Lintang.

At the end of his life, Didi Kempot made an extraordinary contribution to the country, especially in terms of handling the corona virus pandemic in Indonesia.
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