ahmadajah03 Tue Sep 2020 2 years ago

The End of Japanese Colonization and the Indonesian Revolutionary War of Independence 1945-1949

Japan surrenders to the Allies; Ir. Sukarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia; the arrival of Allied troops under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Sir Philip Christison was accompanied by NICA which intended to restore Dutch rule; the signing of the Linggarjati Agreement by Prime Minister Sutan Syahrir and Lieutenant Governor General H.J. van Mook; formation of the State of Eastern Indonesia; the outbreak of the revolutionary war to defend independence; the fighters burned factories and destroyed water infrastructure which, apart from being detrimental to the Dutch, also caused misery to the civilian population; diplomatic war between Charles Thamboe and H.J. van Mook at UN Headquarters; UN Security Council efforts to reconcile Indonesia and the Netherlands; and the end of the glory of the Dutch Empire.

Location: Indonesia, United States and Netherlands
Directors: Louis de Rochemont and Richard de Rochemont
Narrator: Cornelius Westbrook van Voorhis
Years: 1945-1949

T I M E - L I F E ( 2 0 t h C e n t u r y F o x )
jaman penjajahan jepang penjajahan jepang jaman jepang indonesia tempo dulu indonesia jepang dijajah jepang batavia perang revolusi perang kemerdekaan usaha merebut kemerdekaan bpupki ppki soekarno hatta bung karno bung hatta sutan syahrir van mook linggarjati perjanjian linggarjati proklamasi kemerdekaan video proklamasi proklamasi 17 agustus 1945 nica sekutu tentara sekutu konferensi meja bundar charles thamboe video jaman jepang