andriajah Sun Dec 2020 2 years ago

9 Benefits of Bitter Gourd for Health | Good For Diabetes

Bitter melon is often a food that many people avoid. Its bitter taste, even though it has been processed, makes it far from popular as a delicious food. Even so, bitter melon has many benefits.

Bitter gourd contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin K which are good for the body. Other minerals are also contained in bitter melon, such as potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
Bitter melon is also a good source of fiber.

1. Overcoming diabetes
2. Fight cancer
3. Control blood sugar
4. Healthy digestion
5. Healthy eyes
6. Treat acne
7. Helps overcome asthma
8. Anti-aging
9. Increases immunity
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