andriajah Wed May 2023 1 year ago

Electric Vehicles Still Lack of Interest, Observer: Prioritize Public Transportation Subsidies First

KOMPAS.TV - The government continues to strive to build an electric vehicle ecosystem through several regulations such as Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles (KBLBB).

So will this policy work well?

The government's efforts to realize the use of cleaner energy and reduce fuel imports through a conversion program from fossil fuels to electricity have been carried out since 2021.

The government is targeting the use of 15 million units of electric vehicles by 2030. This is divided into 2 million units of electric cars and 13 million units of electric motorbikes.

The government, through the Ministry of Finance, has established KBLBB incentives for new and converted electric motorbikes.

The subsidy value for electric motorbikes is IDR 7 million and this assistance is only valid for 2 years. This incentive has been in effect since March 20.

The government's aim in providing incentives or subsidies is to accelerate the electric vehicle ecosystem to make it more environmentally friendly.

Are the policies set by the government correct?

Meanwhile, INDEF Economic Observer, Ahmad Heri Firdaus assesses that the source of pollution is not only vehicle emissions, but requires appropriate regulations.

On the other hand, Gajah Mada University Energy Economics Observer, Fahmy Radhi, believes that the government's steps to provide incentives are not on target.

What the government estimates is not as smooth as practice in the field. One conversion workshop complained about the large conversion incentives.

Greenpeace Indonesia assesses that the government's policy of switching to using electric vehicles to reduce emissions is a false solution.

Electric vehicles do not touch the root of the problem, namely the use of coal-fired power plants.

While electric vehicle incentives have been approved, public interest in electric vehicles is still low. Will the use of electric vehicles be able to reduce emissions? Or is it just a quasi solution?

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