Thu Dec 2019 2 years ago

Is There Radicalism in the Ministry of Finance? This is what the Ministry of Finance said

After BUMN and the Ministry of Religion, this time it was the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani who said that handling the national attitudes of his staff was much more difficult than managing state finances.

How deeply is radicalism rooted among ASN today? How do the state and society respond to it?

The issue of diversity and tolerance is still a challenge. These issues also arise at the government level, including within the Ministry of Finance. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that her ministry was infected by many exclusive religious movements, to the point that Ministry of Finance employees began to become divided. Facing this condition, Sri Mulyani prioritized dialogue and discussion steps, so that correct understanding emerged.

The government has been alert to the spread of radicalism movements among the State Civil Apparatus or ASN, namely by issuing a Joint Decree or SKB for 11 Ministers. As a state servant, an ASN should have attitudes and behavior that are considered good by society. Apart from that, becoming an ASN must also reflect his love for his homeland.
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